Monday, June 11, 2007


See, I told everyone I would only update this darn thing every once and awhile. Last week Heather and I celebrated our 1st year anniversary. Woo-Hoo. With my past record, anytime I reach an anniversary with no problems, its reason to celebrate. Since January my lovely wife has kicked my butt in Fantasy Racing....she's led all year while I'm down in 3rd place. Our youngest Madison turns 10 in a few weeks ( and Kasey turns 1 )...and she recieved an outstanding student award at her dance recitial last month. She does great, she'll be a star someday. Both her and Taylor got thier braces off. No more train tracks. But it is amazing the places where a kid will lay a retainer down.... Our 14 year old Dalmation Domino had to be put down last week...she was really bad and couldn't get around anymore. It was very sad having to tell the girls. Heather had Domino longer than her oldest girl. She was a good dog and had a great life. Madison made a chalk drawing on the driveway that day and I took a picture...
It's hard to not get all weepy looking at it....... R.I.P. barky

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Valentines Day.......nothing like shoveling over a foot of snow to get the ol heart pumping. I liked it so much I went to Lowe's and snagged the very last sno-blower they had. Kasey wanted to stay outside and play all day, she dove into drifts head-first. That dog is crazy. Cable went out last night and didn't get to see American Idol. But Fox Toledo is replaying it, so cool I can see if the dude that looks like Jack Osbourne made it or not. He cracks me up....Later

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Nascar Starting Up!!!!

It is about time, that was a grueling 90-some days between seasons. I predict Tony Stewart will take it all in November. I just got Sirius Satellite Radio for my birthday ( Thanks, Hun) and this is the greatest thing ever. Music channels with no commercials, Nascar channel broadcasting 24/7 and Uncensored comedy. Welcome to all friends and Family who logged on. I hardly keep in touch with anyone anymore which is my own fault, but feel free to contact me if you like and I'll see if I can do any better about not disappearing off the grid.

Congrats to Chris, Ken and Jim for proving your boys can swim!!!!! Best of Luck to you guys and Tracy, Nancy and Kristy.
