Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Valentines Day.......nothing like shoveling over a foot of snow to get the ol heart pumping. I liked it so much I went to Lowe's and snagged the very last sno-blower they had. Kasey wanted to stay outside and play all day, she dove into drifts head-first. That dog is crazy. Cable went out last night and didn't get to see American Idol. But Fox Toledo is replaying it, so cool I can see if the dude that looks like Jack Osbourne made it or not. He cracks me up....Later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have spent some time in icy southwest Ohio where we went without power for 3 days and our house was a cozy 41 degrees. So much for the Great American Race..K-Fed racing took a beating and I am not happy!